Anish Mathuria

Anish Mathuria joined the DA-IICT faculty as Associate Professor in 2003, and was promoted to Professor in 2008. He served as DA-IICT's Dean (R&D) from 2008-16.

From 2000 to 2002, he was an Assistant Professor in Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA. He received the Ph.D. and MS (Honors) degrees in Computer Science from the University of Wollongong, Australia, and a BE in Electronics Engineering from the University of Bombay. Between 1997 and 1999, he worked at the IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory as a Postdoctoral Researcher and Visiting Scientist.


I've co-authored the following books.
  1. Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment, Springer, 2003 (with Colin Boyd).
  2. Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment, Springer, 2019, second edition (with Colin Boyd and Douglas Stebila). In press.
A list of my other publications can be found here. My author pages on Google Scholar and DBLP.

I received the 1997 Australian Computer Science Association Best Paper Award for the paper "Causality, partial orders, and lower bounds on rounds for a class of authentication protocols".

Selected Professional Service

I'm a member of ACM and IEEE, and a life member of the Cryptology Research Society of India.

I am a member of the editorial board of Sadhana, a journal of the Indian Academy of Sciences.

I have served on the following conference committees:

I have served on the DeitY committee for e-Authentication standards constituted by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India.

Referee for over 12 journals including Information Processing Letters, Computers & Security, Information Sciences, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TSC, and IET Information Security.

Grant reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (2015).

External Thesis Examiner: IIT Kharagpur (2022), IIT Guwahati (2012), QUT (2008).

Funded Projects

I was co-PI (Indian side) in the Indo-French project, "Study of Privacy, Accountability and Ownership in IoT".

I was PI (Indian side) of a project supported by DST and JST under India-Japan cooperative program.

Courses I've offered

I have taught a variety of courses including Operating Systems, Systems Software, Data Structures, Security Protocols, System and Network Security, and Introduction to Cryptography.

Students Advised

I enjoy working with motivated students with strong programming skills.

Graduated PhD Students

BTP/Mini-project alumni

M.Tech alumni